OCD – School

OCD has been known to show its ugly head for many in their early 20s. For whatever reason, this is the age where a lot of people who have been mostly fine until then, start to have their symptoms triggered. I believe one reason why is school. Maybe not, but it sure doesn’t help.   Recently stories have surfaced about how students are more stressed now than ever before. In addition to the stress from teachers and studying, there is just no time for fun, relaxing, or exercising. It’s a time where part time jobs seem like a break from the chronic pressure.

Many of us with OCD have developed compulsions and avoidance behavior, and school often times seems like it is simply not an option.

So, wether you are in school or about to start, here are some things to consider:
It is absolutely possible to be successful in school. OCD sufferers are often very intelligent and find that it’s not so much the work that is too hard, but the OCD. The key is to get OCD under YOUR control. This means finding strategies that work. Therapy and exercise are good examples of this. Making time for yourself will be crucial.

Do not take more classes than you can handle. Reducing the workload and thus the stress can help.

Talk to your teachers or your counseling department. Letting them know about what is going on may take some of the pressure off. I was always late to class because I was busy compulsing. I could not do certain assignments and I did things in class that looked downright odd. Letting them know helped them to help me. However, be prepared that not all your teachers will be gems of understanding light. I had one teacher who was just mean.

Lastly, remember that school does not define who you are or how successful or happy you will be. If it is something you really want, make it happen.

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